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Podatke lahko zavodu sporočite do 30. 9. 2024

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Anketa o zadovoljstvu strank

Vljudno vabljeni, da z nami delite svoje izkušnje o poslovanju z Zavodom

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Digitalne storitve

Z uporabo e-storitev lahko oddate vloge ali opravite druge storitve v udobju svojega doma. Kliknite za več informacij



Logo eVloge za VSE

Logo eZPIZ


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7. Mednarodni kongres medicinskih izvedencev

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Poslovanje ZPIZ s strankami


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Sporočamo vam, da smo objavili novo storitev eVloge za VSE, ki vam omogoča preprosto pripravo in oddajo elektronskih vlog tudi, če nimate digitalnega potrdila. Kliknite za več informacij


Vsi obrazci za uveljavljanje pravic iz pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja. Kliknite za več informacij

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Vse aktualne novice Kliknite za več informacij
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Splošni informativni pokojninski kalkulator

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Starostna pokojnina


Informacije o starostni pokojnini.Kliknite za več informacij

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Informacije o uveljavljanju pravic iz invalidskega zavarovanja. Kliknite za več informacij

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Izpis obdobij zavarovanja

Izpis obdobij zavarovanja Kliknite za več informacij
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Izplačilni dnevi


Izplačilni dnevi Kliknite za več informacij
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Statistični podatki in publikacije


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A membership in pension and disability insurance, which is a part of social insurance, is the realization of the constitutional right to social security, as provided by Article 50 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia. The State regulates compulsory health, pension, disability and other social insurances and supervises their implementation.

The Pension and Disability Insurance Act (ZPIZ-2) prescribes persons to be covered by compulsory insurance. Apart from persons whose compulsory insurance is statutorily prescribed, persons who do not comply with compulsory insurance conditions can also join the pension and disability insurance scheme on a voluntary basis, on condition they comply with other legal requirements of the same Act. More information on the conditions regarding compulsory and voluntary insurance can be found in insured persons’ categories description.

Compulsory insured persons take out their insurance with the date of the beginning of the legal relationship representing the basis for their insurance. For the voluntary insured the membership in pension and disability insurance starts with the date of their registration in the insurance. A membership in pension and disability insurance and the payment of contributions, in line with the principles of mutuality and solidarity, provides for the entitlements regarding the risk of old-age, disability, death and other entitlements.

Based on such an insurance relationship the insured, on the one hand,  derive their rights to statutorily prescribed benefits provided by the compulsory insurance provider, on the other hand, however, a contributor is obliged to pay contributions to the compulsory insurance scheme. The Act Regulating Insurance Records of Insured Persons and Beneficiaries of Compulsory Pension and Disability Insurance Entitlements (ZMEPIZ-1) stipulates which legal entities and natural persons are contributors or  data providers, who are liable for the providing of the data for the insured relevant for the implementation of pension and disability insurance.


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Copyright 2019 ZPIZ - Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije, Kolodvorska 15, Ljubljana
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Izdelava: MMstudio