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‘’Life certificate forms’’

Submission of "Life Certificate Forms" for Beneficiaries Residing Abroad

Beneficiaries of pension and disability benefits residing abroad are obliged to submit life certificates certified by the competent state or administrative authority or a foreign pension institute once a year (Article 120, paragraph 3, ZPIZ-2).

For this purpose a form "Life Certificate" is sent by post to beneficiaries residing abroad, and for whom information cannot be obtained from the competent pension institutes by way of the electronic data exchange. It should be completed by a beneficiary, certified by the competent state or administrative authority, and returned to our address.

Beneficiaries residing in the states in the territory of the former SFRY receive the forms in November and have to return them by January the following year at the latest; those residing in other states receive them in April and have to return them by June of the current calendar year.

Should a beneficiary not receive the form "Life Certificate" by post, they can obtain it from our webpage under Pension Payment - Bilingual Forms "Life Certificate" and "Pensioner's Statement".

Unless the Institute receives the life certificate in time, the payment will temporarily be stopped (Article 120, paragraph 4, ZPIZ-2).

Life Certificate Forms

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